
Hello, I'm John Wolfcub, producer and founder of Fast Octopus. All my life I've been producing arts and entertainment products. You might be wondering why we chose an octopus to represent our brand? Because we, as a team, are fast, agile, smart, and multi-faceted! This production company was born from the merger of a super-team of sound designers, with specializations in Sound Design, Original Soundtrack, Music Supervision, and a team of passionate 2D/3D graphic designers with expertise in product design and illustrations. So far, we were involved in the production of successful radio shows, TV shows, commercials, video games, books & toys, and hopefully, the next station is TV series and film. .


Oxana Lupusor

Alex Bitca
R & D

Andrei Turtureanu
Sound Designer

Radu Zara
Sound Designer

Corina Ciripitca
Graphic Designer

Daniela Toma
Graphic Desinger

Iulian Castravet
Graphic Designer